Katja Haars

Katja Haars loves sailing – how could it be different having grown up on Germany’s Northern coast? She is in her element when it comes to unfamiliar waters where she has to face the forces of nature. What does she like about it? “That I have to proceed strategically in order to achieve my goal – and that everything is only possible with unconditional team play,” says Katja.

Katja is just as passionate about media as she is when setting the sails. It’s true that ‘passion’ can be somewhat of a cliché in the communications industry. But Katja has plenty of substance to justify it. She has that rare blend of specialist knowledge, analytical acumen and amazing intuition. But that’s not all that makes her exceptional: She not only knows the industry from all three sides – agencies, media and advertising companies – she is also an internationally recognized expert in media procurement.

On all continents and always in the top-league, Katja has worked in management positions on the agency, media and client sides of the industry. It was no coincidence that during her nine years at MediaCom and Initiative, she was tasked with looking after some of the world’s largest global clients. Leading publishers and Facebook employed her as an excellently trained media expert and for many years she led international media strategy, media planning and media purchasing projects for Beiersdorf and Haribo.

While many people in marketing find so many things “exciting”, Katja lives her media and procurement passion. We and her clients appreciate that she doesn’t make a fuss of any of this herself. This is rare in our industry.


Selected client assignments beyond her five years on the customer side for Beiersdorf and HARIBO include: ABN Amro, Bang & Olufsen, Chantelle / Passionata, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, Ecco, Land's End, Nordmilch / Milram, Patek Philippe, Procter & Gamble (DACH / Western Europe) , Shell, Tchibo International, Tipp24, TUI Cruises, Volkswagen Group and International